Hello I'am
Joan Nicolas
Business Development Managers for Home Loans at Bai Finance and Lawyers. I started September this year, but I came to know Bai as a client back in April. Hobbies.. not much haha! I am mostly time deficit LOL However, I find it most enjoyable when at the end of the work day, I spend time with my family - having coversations over dinner, relaxing before turning in for bed. During the weekend, you'll find me either on an errands run or cleaning my house (my favourite time, very therapeutic). Sundays are set aside for church volunteering and catch up with friends and extended family. On any down time, I'll be on my Kindle or scrolling Reels. Every now and then a "project" will come to mind which both stresses and excites me. Life's a bit boring and routinary but I like it.

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